This is the actual main comics category.
Long Live Rock
It was a long way to go for a punchline, but you’re worth the effort.
Snarky Ducks Crack Wise – Mondays and Thursdays
This is the actual main comics category.
It was a long way to go for a punchline, but you’re worth the effort.
Happy Labor Day, if you’re celebrating such a holiday in your locality.
Otherwise… enjoy your Monday, and be glad you’re not cleaning up Score’s laboratory.
I really, really hope I haven’t duplicated this joke somewhere in the archives. Unfortunately, I can’t find out because something has gone horribly awry with site navigation. Honestly, if you can read this I’ll be impressed. (You probably won’t be able to comment on it, though. Argh.)
Sometimes, hosting my own websites takes days off of my lifespan…