This is the actual main comics category.

“You said to go back to the beginning, Vezzini…”
Snarky Ducks Crack Wise – Mondays and Thursdays
This is the actual main comics category.
“You said to go back to the beginning, Vezzini…”
I couldn’t have closed out this parade of ducks with anyone else. My only regret with his role in the comic is that I didn’t give him more opportunities to let his Walter Mitty side out to play, such as I did during what is arguably my finest moment in the entire run, Younguns And Dragons. I managed to get some mileage out of his gourmand aspect, at least.
And there you go, fifteen posters, my meager parting gift to you. It’s not as good as, let’s say, committing to another year or two or three, but it’s what I have to give right now. The site’s not going away, I still have a bevy of ducks and a working camera, so don’t write off the possibility of further adventures down the road. Just… not twice a week, not for a while yet. If I get a wild notion to put together a few special edition comics I’ll post something on the news feed accordingly.
For now, however, my ducks and I shall rest…
…after one more little vignette. Come back tomorrow…
Would you entrust the bulk of the comedic duties for an entire webcomic to these two ducks?
I did, and I’m actually rather proud of how that worked out. Yes, of course, I should’ve given more camera time to some other cast members… but when I needed a bad pun or a musical reference or just general shenanigans, Roger and Neil came through time after time. They even starred in my most technically challenging comic (admittedly, that’s not saying much). You probably wouldn’t be reading this were it not for Roger and his wickedly witty ways.
Great work, guys.