A special team of camouflaged ducks on a secret mission…

Restoring Orders

Restoring Orders published on 2 Comments on Restoring Orders

I’m not sure, between two thirds of the tea-drinking contingent and seven eighths of the Commandos, which is the rock and which is the hard place. It’s probably an academic question that Neil would prefer to ponder from a safe distance, indeed. And yes, I did write myself into quite the corner when it comes… Continue reading Restoring Orders

Pete’s In Our Time

Pete’s In Our Time published on No Comments on Pete’s In Our Time

Who is this strange duck and why does he wield such power? The answers to those questions… will have to wait for a while. Our little tempest in a teacup comes to a close. … As experiments go, this didn’t actually turn out too badly. I’m not saying that it was a great storyline. In… Continue reading Pete’s In Our Time