A special team of camouflaged ducks on a secret mission…

Implausible Deniability
See? All’s well that ends well. Even if it takes a cranky duck to enforce a little peace and quiet around here…
Snarky Ducks Crack Wise – Mondays and Thursdays
A special team of camouflaged ducks on a secret mission…
See? All’s well that ends well. Even if it takes a cranky duck to enforce a little peace and quiet around here…
Any suggestions from the peanut gallery that this was the first comic scripted out of the four in this sequence will be met with a level gaze and a hearty, “Well, DUH.”
Yet another group of disastrously underutilized ducks with great potential. It’s almost as if someone cleverer and more diligent than myself should’ve been running this show all along. Ah, well. Live and learn, I suppose. Speaking of diligence: I wish I’d been paying more attention to those blades of grass. Always getting in the way…