Quackvent 2011 Day Three

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It’s not that I actually enjoy dealing with snow. But it’s awfully pretty to look at, isn’t it? At least once per year? Exactly. This duck came to me very recently via a coworker, oddly enough. See, everybody keeps giving me ducks. I’m not going out and buying these on my own, people!

Quackvent 2011 Day Four

Quackvent 2011 Day Four published on No Comments on Quackvent 2011 Day Four

When you figure that Peter and Li are cousins, you start to realize how far-flung that particular family really is. Mine’s a bit spread out as well, and while we may not talk to each other much (let alone have much to talk about) it’d be nice sometimes to find out that they’re still alive,… Continue reading Quackvent 2011 Day Four