
Lottabytes published on 4 Comments on Lottabytes

How quickly we become jaded, yes? Note that I could just buy a bigger SD card but I don’t actually load shows onto them. Mainly I have one for the camera and one for the Nook Color. And yes, I know: I wasn’t specific enough. I meant 3.5″ floppies, not those silly 5.25″ things, and… Continue reading Lottabytes

Weight For Me

Weight For Me published on 4 Comments on Weight For Me

With Rusty’s (brief) help, I learned something new about a very old software package (Macromedia Fireworks 3): You can save styles for re-use! I’ve been loading up old files whenever I need to use elements like (for instance) those special yellow “Myself” dialog boxes so I can copy/paste the attributes. Now I can simply make… Continue reading Weight For Me