Lit With An Inner Fire
Lumina is hardly the first “light-up” duck to grace my shelves, but she turned out to be the easiest so far to photograph while cycling through her LED-driven performance…
Snarky Ducks Crack Wise – Mondays and Thursdays
Lumina is hardly the first “light-up” duck to grace my shelves, but she turned out to be the easiest so far to photograph while cycling through her LED-driven performance…
I need to name that duck one of these days. I’d use him more often but I get nervous every time I take him out of his box; that feather boa is rather delicate. Still, he’s a hoot to write for even if I am (probably) going to offend somebody someday by doing something wrong.… Continue reading Envy With Green
Yes, I have a new bed. Yes, it’s vastly more comfortable than its predecessor. Yes, it doesn’t squeak. And that’s enough about that.