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ABC to ZZ Top

ABC to ZZ Top published on 9 Comments on ABC to ZZ Top

You might have gathered that Roger and Neil are music fans. They also enjoy nimble wordplay, as do other denizens of the Quacked Panes crew.

Apparently, however, an hour past bedtime may indeed be the wrong time to engage in what amounts to music-geek Shiritori

Okay, I was lazy and just used the last letter, not the last sound (or syllable), but hey. I stayed up far later than I should’ve to finish this comic as it is. You probably shouldn’t overthink this… like I just did. Ahem.

The Fissure King

The Fissure King published on 3 Comments on The Fissure King

This is a prime example of what happens when I try to wing it (hey, I should write that one down for later use) with an idea that hit me earlier this evening. By all rights I should have made a note of it, then let it percolate in my head until I could flesh it out a bit more.

On the other hand, I managed to work two Sci-Fi references into the strip so how’s that for efficiency?

One of the challenges of turning nine duck-like objects into distinct characters is finding their “voice.” Granted, they aren’t going to be all that different from one another: I’m the one putting words in their beaks, as it were. But… I’m trying to work out some speech patterns from duck to duck, and that helps me nail down the personalities a bit more. The preparation I went through back in May gave me a feel for their backgrounds and motivations (such as they are) but it seems that only the process of actually doing the comic can settle the issue of how they “sound.”

And that’s enough “inside GreyDuck’s brain” for one week. See you next Monday!

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