Any suggestions from the peanut gallery that this was the first comic scripted out of the four in this sequence will be met with a level gaze and a hearty, “Well, DUH.”

Snarky Ducks Crack Wise – Mondays and Thursdays
Any suggestions from the peanut gallery that this was the first comic scripted out of the four in this sequence will be met with a level gaze and a hearty, “Well, DUH.”
Look, do you want to get on the bad side of a cast-iron duck, a squad of possibly-murderous robots, a slew of devil ducks, a genetic experiment gone horribly wrong terribly right, a recovering zombie, and… whatever that big yellow thing is?
I didn’t think so.
See? All’s well that ends well. Even if it takes a cranky duck to enforce a little peace and quiet around here…