The Second Year
Unreal Estate
You know how sometimes you try to fight back but you’re hopelessly outclassed, and you know it, and you hate fighting, but you do it anyway because you’re so frustrated? Right.
Snarky Ducks Crack Wise – Mondays and Thursdays
The Second Year
You know how sometimes you try to fight back but you’re hopelessly outclassed, and you know it, and you hate fighting, but you do it anyway because you’re so frustrated? Right.
When offered a free, if “gently used,” network drive device with four times the capacity of my current device and gigabit Ethernet capability, yes, I jumped at it. Almost literally. I spent a portion of the weekend migrating data so I can shut down the old WD Netcenter rig (and store it away for a… Continue reading One Small Gig For Man
I doubt I’ll ever be up to the challenge of doing a “rolling punchline” or “joke barrage” like Shamus Young is so fond of, but I love working extra jokes into a comic wherever I can…