Spring Peever
I actually prefer autumn to spring: cooling down, rather than warming up, and it’s still temperate. Not to mention the lovely colors of the changing leaves. Spring just means allergies, really.
Snarky Ducks Crack Wise – Mondays and Thursdays
I actually prefer autumn to spring: cooling down, rather than warming up, and it’s still temperate. Not to mention the lovely colors of the changing leaves. Spring just means allergies, really.
This is one of those conversations which come up from time to time, usually with someone who doesn’t know me very well. All they know is that a) I don’t drive and b) I love exotic & classic cars. Apparently this combination baffles folks. So be it. I don’t have to explain myself to people,… Continue reading Car Toys
You were wondering how long I could go between bad puns, weren’t you? And now you know. Hey! Are you as amazed as I am that we’re almost through three years of this silly thing? And that means… yes, the annual break is coming up. Lacking inspiration to the contrary, I’m probably going to just… Continue reading Inn Like Flynn