Elite Speak

Elite Speak published on 2 Comments on Elite Speak

What? Did you think Roger was the only one allowed to make bad jokes around here? Li is the “peeking duck,” after all… … Apparently I need that ligher-colored, somewhat-reflective backdrop to make the camera happy. The previous comic was shot into an emptier space and it threw things off, resulting in overly-shiny ducks. Live… Continue reading Elite Speak

Wok Of Fame

Wok Of Fame published on 2 Comments on Wok Of Fame

You can, perhaps, appreciate why I didn’t have Li taking the lead on this particular gag. I knew that I needed for somebody to play off of Roger on the pun to get the most use out of the word, though… and then I knew that Li made sense for that. Especially since Neil’s still… Continue reading Wok Of Fame