Not much of a punchline, but this is where my mind went when I tried to think of a way to use that particular pair o’ ducks. They can’t all be bad puns and pop-culture references, kids.
Those two “shoulder” ducks actually came in a package marked as a pair of “love ducks.” Which is silly, because I’ve never really believed in that whole “opposites attract” nonsense.
Is there something wrong with taking ethical advice from a metallic duck? Should I rather listen to one of my more vinyl waterfowl? Or perhaps the plaster-of-paris one?
Probably not the plaster ducks… both of mine are troublemakers, really.
That has to be my favorite character. That duck has me cracking up over here. I know, I know, I have a warped sense of humor.
BTW-Looks like the next Duckfest is going to be in Seattle next year! You have to come out!
Bob has rapidly become a favorite of mine and the readers, and I love it. (He’s SO easy to write, heh.)
Duckfest in the Pacific Northwest? I’m so there!
(Also? Somehow your feed changed, I thought you’d gone dark there. Re-added to Google Reader, yay!)
*five days later*
I’ll bet they’re arguing about some awful pun… and whether or not to inspire someone to use it.