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Dewey Cheatum and Howe

Dewey Cheatum and Howe published on 7 Comments on Dewey Cheatum and Howe

This marks something of a departure for QP: The first two panels were written by someone else. You can thank (or blame) my friend Geoffrey, inveterate punster extraordinaire, for Roger’s quips in the upper half of today’s comic.

Why a duck, you ask…?


*groans, grinning*

Hey, regarding your LJ post: I’ve read every one of these. 🙂 The problem is, they’re usually in my Google Reader stream in the morning as I’m running out the door. I stop to read for a morning chuckle (thanks!!!), but don’t have time to say anything. So lack of comments =/= lack of readership. Chin up.

Also, weirdness: When I first clicked into this one, I got the source page. O_o I had to close the tab and try again to get the actual page. Odd.

Oh, I know what my readership looks like. (Hooray for tracking metrics. *cough*) It’s not that nobody’s reading, it’s more that I’m insecure about how well I’m entertaining my little audience.

As for the coding issues… yeah, Webcomic’s got some quirks. (For instance: I have to fix the thumbnails assigned to each post as I create it because it likes pulling thumbs from previous comics at random.) I’m probably going to end up reinstalling the plugin… you can imagine how much I’m looking forward to that.

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