Not that I expect many of you to come here on Thanksgiving day, but here you go, a comic.
Of course, for those of you who visit from outside the USA (Hi! Make yourself at home. Try the cranberry sauce! And the pumpkin pie!) you’re probably tired of Americans and their hoopla about a day mainly dedicated to two things: Enforced family gluttony, and the official start of Christmas shopping season. I hope that you don’t mind my bit of philosophical meandering in place of a maudlin litany of things that I’m specifically thankful for in my life. (That’s nobody’s business but mine, you know?)
Okay, fine: I’m thankful for YOU FOLKS. Yes, you. And you. Even you.
Now I just have to figure out what I’m going to do for a Yule theme this year… yes, I still haven’t figured that out. Time’s running out, too…
Well, there’s always the 12 Days of Duckmas…
Don’t forget: this is an age where we can make comic strips about rubber ducks, have a cast made up from dozens of different ducks, and have a multitude of people read it. WITHOUT having people think we’re crazy.
Problem is, I’ve done the “12 days” riff and I hate the idea of repeating myself. (Addicted to novelty? Moi?)
I’ll come up with something, even if it’s silly and lazy. Heh.
Call it a “tradition” and you can get away with repeating yourself as many times as you like!
I resolved some time ago that I will have a turducken one year, just because it’s so freaking fun to say! *goofy grin*
I adore you, but you are a disturbed individual.
Aw, how nice! (I’m thankful for the wonder of RSS feeds, that store up important things for me until I make time to view them.)